In-House Counsel Services For Small Businesses In CO, FL and Washington DC
For most small businesses, the ongoing help of a seasoned lawyer is absolutely critical for long-term success. But, unfortunately, small businesses are rarely in the financial position to afford to keep a full-time lawyer on their payrolls. Rather than hiring an attorney they can’t afford, many businesses simply “wing it” and hope for the best. However, this approach is extremely risky and can leave a business exposed to myriad legal problems.
Your small business should not go broke paying for legal services.
At Haft Law Group, we offer a better way. Our lead attorney, Scott Haft, provides de facto in-house services for clients when needed. Serving Colorado, Florida, and Washington DC clients from our office in West Palm Beach, we build long-term relationships with them, but we only come in when we are needed. Our legal team provides dispute resolution and litigation services as well as counsel in a range of legal matters that impact local small businesses.
Commercial Disputes And Litigation
We represent clients in business disputes and litigation involving:
- Commercial disputes: Including vendor disputes, breach of contract claims, carrier disputes, intellectual property disputes and disputes with customers
- Real estate disputes: Such as those involving lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements, zoning and land use, easements and other real estate issues
- Employment law disputes: Including wage and hour claims, contract issues, commission claims, benefits issues and other employment law matters
These are just a few of the commercial and business disputes we handle for our clients.
Ongoing Counsel
We help clients by providing as-needed counsel in legal matters that include:
- Business start-ups: We can help you handle all the legal matters necessary to get your business started and filed with the secretary of state.
- Employment issues: We help clients with employment contracts, human resources policies and practices that will impact the workforce.
- Contracts: We can help negotiate, draft and review potential contracts to protect our clients’ interests.
We offer counsel for local small businesses that do not want to keep a full-time attorney on staff. We can look over the situation your business is facing and help you determine whether it is the type of issue that necessitates legal counsel. This can save a business a lot of money over the course of a year while still providing legal advice.
Contact Our Firm Today
Discuss our services with an experienced business lawyer. Call our firm today at 561-781-8984 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.